How to add an Envira gallery to a page or post

If you have quite a few images that you would like to upload to a page/post on your site, the best way to display this content would be in a gallery. To add a gallery you need to:

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Click “Envira Gallery” on the lefthand side menu.
  3. Click “Add New” button.
  4. Add appropriate title in “Add Title” box.
  5. In the Native Envira Gallery tab – Drag and drop or click “Select files from your computer” to upload the images that you want to use.
  6. On the righthand side, copy either the first or second shortcode (we’ll need to copy this into our page later) eg: [envira-gallery slug=”test”]
  7. When you’re finished uploading images, click the green “Publish” button.
  8. Go to page / post that you want to edit.
  9. Paste the shortcode that you copied in point 6 into the text editor.
  10. Click update and refresh the post/page on the frontend to make sure the gallery appears as you want it to.